• Member Since 22nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 29th, 2016


I'm relatively new to the world of fanfiction, but I do have a real deep passion for both MLP:FIM and writing.


Doing a TMI/AMA type thing on the Green Lantern Fluttershy mod blog. · 12:00pm Feb 21st, 2014

HELLO Everyone!!!
I'm doing an AMA/TMI type thing on my Tumblr, where both me and my girlfriend are answering any question that comes our way. Come join us:

Report The-rogue-shadow · 623 views ·

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Comments ( 197 )
  • Viewing 193 - 197 of 197

Thanks for the fav on my Dangan Ronpa crossover! Glad you're enjoyin' the ride!

Invitation accepted my friend! And thank you for adding my story.

Hi there! I've been reading your quite interesting Equine Vampiris, and I added it to my newly started Vampires and Vamponies group. I thought I'd also extend an invitation to join the group if you want to. :twilightsmile:

found ya here its me " Lixscrin" from Deviatart ;D

-instafollow- :3 :heart:

  • Viewing 193 - 197 of 197
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