• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 25th, 2022


I'm a female that's an artist, writer, gamer, and all around dork. I come and go due to health and other situation but I'm always around somewhere <3 Just send me a message and I'll talk :D

Hello I'm...

Hello, I'm RogueShadowAngel or Cosmic Star by friends.

I'm a southern small town goth. I'm a brony (female) and also a furry. I draw and write in my spare time. I"m also an avid player of many games and love to have fun many of them are on steam. I draw, write, and among other things. I also play second life and have since August of 2008. I love to draw and some of my artwork has appeared in my stories but my true passion is writing. I've written many things from poetry to short stories in the 10+ years I have had an online presence in the writing communities.

Latest Stories I've Written


I live! · 3:30pm Jul 14th, 2020

OKAY... so long story short.

i fell out of the fandom for a long time because i just... i got into other things and a lot of things in my personal life started going on and just i started growing up.

i still love my little pony and i hold fond memories of my time in the brony fandom it's just i've grown into other things as well and embracing them.

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Report RogueShadowAngel · 232 views · #life
Comments ( 18 )
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And thanks for the follow! I'm really glad you liked my writing :yay:

Thanks for the favorite on Growing Up! Glad you liked it :pinkiesmile:

From the admins of Soarin and the Wonderbolts, we welcome you and thank you for joining.





Thanks for the favorite.
By the way, I love your avatar picture.

Thank you for watching!

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