• Member Since 21st Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen July 8th



Heyo, We're Back!! · 2:24am Jun 16th, 2015

Good morning/evening/afternoon, all of my wonderful ladies and gentlecolts!! In the spirit of feeding my large ego I have come to share with you all what you probably all know; and that's that I have made the front page once more. I can't tell all of you how much of an accomplishment this really is to me. Funnily enough it is only a week short of the last time I made it there with Blood Red as Apples, but I know I couldn't have made it without all of your readership. I love each and

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Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

Yes. In my heart of hearts I'll always have a soft spot for FlutterMac.

Do you still ship FlutterMac?

He's returned. We need to make sure Sombra's still gone, because this guy is back from the dead. Glad to see you're still writing!

Thanks for the fave of 'Red Shoe Diaries: Equestria'! :twilightsmile:

1321439 *Heavy breathing* OMG, so much pressure. Not sure if I can handle it!! I'm glad you like my stories though. I always do my best to make likeable stories :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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