• Member Since 1st Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



Breaking out the Shameful Secret · 8:43pm Feb 23rd, 2016

Hello everybody, Hi Darthsylar12

Just wanted to clear the air for 2016. First, yes I am in fact alive. Two I am working fics, new ones, old ones, no details for ya. And thirdly, When I first started this account I experimented with writing clop, only one story was posted but I felt it was about time to reveal it y'all who follow me.

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Comments ( 314 )
  • Viewing 310 - 314 of 314

Thanks for the fave on "Beach Bodies"!

Thanks for the fave.

I'm glad you enjoyed my story.


Thanks for the follow.

Thank you for the fav! :heart:

  • Viewing 310 - 314 of 314
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