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It Must be Tuesday The Lone Wanderer is in a predicament. Fallout/FIM crossover. HiE by Explodium 126,278 words · 2,843 · 64
Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger A mission to investigate a far off world takes an interesting twist. by AdmiralTigerclaw 66,018 words · 6,310 · 87
Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus. by Isopod 116,679 words · 1,786 · 40
55 users follow pononymous
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pononymous follows 16 users
.....Your profile brings back so many memories....
Is there ever gonna be an update for The Life of a Dragon?
Your welcome.// //
Thanks so much for the fave of Somepony Else's Story! Every last one is another reason to push myself to be even better in the future.
I'm pretty sure we have a Spike is best pony (or something like that) group for just dragons...nope.