• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


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An alumni Electronics Engineering Student from ITT Tech (Top of his class), 'Admiral Tigerclaw' is known in the fanfic community for his work on Sleeping With the Girls and Arrow 18.

With approximately a decade of fanfic writing experience, ATC has seen it all, from MSTs, to garbage SI scenarios, to more 'unmentionable' genres, there is little he hasn't experienced or at the least, doesn't know about in the world of fanfiction.

Admiral Tigerclaw strives to write for quality and entertainment, often citing the famous line from gladiator 'ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?' as his primary goal. His work has had its ups and its downs, but agree or disagree with his work, he believes that if he made a reader stop and think, or smile, or cry, he's done his job.

As an engineer (in mind at least), ATC strives to put the 'cause' into 'causality'. He believes staunchly that no story exists in a vacuum, that a lot happens behind the scenes where readers and viewers can't venture, and that characters/events are the way they are for a reason. Through this element, he strives to build upon even the most seemingly insignificant elements to create a whole that has greater depth than the sum of its parts.

Though one may disagree with his opinion, he asks that his attempts to world building are respected, and that even through his efforts, he's not perfect and mistakes occur.

ATC also claims the loose title of Sound Engineer. He has composed no less than three-dozen songs in the last decade and has had professional advice on his mixing skills from a member of the music industry. (Credentials of said member include doing work for Stevie Ray Vaughan. Member's identity will not be disclosed.) ATC's work can be found here as his primary music account, while additional 'scrap' work from him can be found here.

ATC's music may now also be purchased here at Band Camp. Please lend your support.

Admiral Tigerclaw claims expertise in no field, but would like to consider himself strong in the fields of Electronics Engineering, Aerospace, Aviation, Space Travel, Audio/Music, and creative writing. (ATC also considers it presumptuous to claim expertise in anything unless years of experience and agreement by peers elevates him to that level.)


Arrow 18 dramatic reading for Flight Recorder log now up. · 6:47pm Nov 4th, 2018

It's been a long time coming, but I'm happy to announce that 'A.F.R.T. 11252257:054557' has gone up at Nimbus Productions.

This particular 'chapter' is of special note to me because I specifically asked Kovabomb to let me do the audio editing for it back when he first approached me to do the dramatic reading. I had a very clear image in my head of how this segment proceeded, and wanted control of the details.

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Comments ( 207 )
  • Viewing 203 - 207 of 207

I do not wish to be a bother, but... do you possibly envision continuing SWTG? I ask because (maybe due to my searching skills...) finding good fanfiction of Sailormoon is... difficult, and I absolutely adore that particular Luna (and I'm still trying to figure out if that bond is romantic or just a brothers-in-arms thing, because it's very low-key and quite out of focus).

I demand nothing. I honestly thought you just moved on to brighter & better, but apparently you yet check back here. So I ask.

And while I'm here, I wanted to mention that Arrow 18 is some of the best-constructed "visitor" stories I've read. It was nice to see a first-contact scenario with some serious attention to detail. So thank you for that, it was very tasty.


Doth you still live sir?

I recently discovered your arrow 18 series, both of them, and their quality is above most books I have read. You are an extremely talented person, and I hope you have a stable(H A H) and happy life. Now, if you excuse me, I gotta go binge some of your other work.

I hope you're having a good day today, as well as a good Easter. I hope you don't listen to professor littledickmus, he's just salty for some reason. That's all I have to say for today, and hope to see you soon!

  • Viewing 203 - 207 of 207
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