• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
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Arrow 18 dramatic reading for Flight Recorder log now up. · 6:47pm Nov 4th, 2018

It's been a long time coming, but I'm happy to announce that 'A.F.R.T. 11252257:054557' has gone up at Nimbus Productions.

This particular 'chapter' is of special note to me because I specifically asked Kovabomb to let me do the audio editing for it back when he first approached me to do the dramatic reading. I had a very clear image in my head of how this segment proceeded, and wanted control of the details.

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Teaser/Preview: MLBB II: 'Race The Sunset' · 3:53pm Apr 2nd, 2018

Spitfire blinked in relative silence, not sure exactly what to say before the smallest of the three Stalliongrad pegasi jerked his head up, squinting at the approaching dusk.

“Contact sighted,” he announced in a voice surprisingly full of authority. Everypony present gave him full attention in an instant. “Vector zero eight six. Altitude, at least eighty thousand, maybe eighty-five? Speed.... Whoa.”

“Whoa?” Spitfire arched an eyebrow.

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Report AdmiralTigerclaw · 1,252 views ·

She's coming back... · 11:42am Feb 28th, 2018

I haven't worked on this story in... Six years?
So I figure... "I really, REALLY need to finish this last chapter. I mean, it's the LAST chapter and it's been sitting for YEARS!"

So I've had the document open, for two weeks now, trying to recapture my 'voice' from six years back.

So I can finish it, and make a Mig-31 catch an SR-71.

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Report AdmiralTigerclaw · 1,876 views ·

Just a random story prompt... · 11:15pm Aug 14th, 2017

If anyone's interested in writing a 3 to 5 thousand word short, be my guest. But I wanted to write out the prompt of sorts that popped into my head today.

"Starline is a pegasis with a very unique talent, and a problem. His talent? He can jump to hyperspace on his own wing power. The problem? There's no place to go when one can't breathe in a vacuum, and one's world has the combined interstellar industry of an unpowered desk lamp.

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Report AdmiralTigerclaw · 1,035 views ·

Instant full body flush, just add vitamins... · 9:42pm Nov 10th, 2016

Tagging FtFoNR because medical shenanigans...

So, interesting experience today. I'd like to think I know how to handle dealing with vitamins and supplements. I do my research, I check safe doses, antagonists, read warnings.

But sometimes, something just slips through in a moment of complacency.

No, I didn't almost kill myself. But the following quick ramble is a lesson that had it been something else, I could have.

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Report AdmiralTigerclaw · 1,388 views ·

Follow your nose... · 2:23am Oct 2nd, 2016

For those following me, see my Monthly Mumble on Patreon. It contains updates to my activity.

For those just seeing this while it flashes up on the front page...
Eh, try checking my stuff out. Or follow me... Or follow the links in my mumble, then follow me.


Which bonus chapter should come next? · 7:24pm Sep 16th, 2016

It's not front burner. I essentially write these the moment they pop into my head. But I think I'll let some readers take control on this one.

Which character does our good Nurse Redheart need to compile a medical dossier on next?

We have the CMC, which could be any number of refreshingly normal crusading bumps and scrapes.
Or maybe King Sombra and his Narcotics addiction for 'Crystal' (Meth).
Is it already time for Luna's 1,000 year overdue booster shots?

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Report AdmiralTigerclaw · 737 views ·

Laughing my rear off at this idea... · 5:18pm Aug 7th, 2016

Anyone ever watch Sakamoto Desu Ga?

I watched a little the other day and found the OP track is awesome.

And thus did an idea pop into my head... A Hilarious idea.

Take King Sombra, sprinkle in some Emperor Kuzco, glaze with Sakamoto...

And theme with some NateWantsToBattle and also make Nate voice the new Sombra...

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Report AdmiralTigerclaw · 899 views ·

Arrow 18: Declassified... Reclassified. · 10:24pm Aug 2nd, 2016

Bad news to those who were just boarding the HYPE train.

Apparently setting up Arrow 18: DECLASSIFIED breaks the collaboration rules for Fimfic.

Your story, Arrow 18: DECLASSIFIED, has been revoked.

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Report AdmiralTigerclaw · 2,739 views ·

A call to my fans for help... · 7:35pm Jul 30th, 2016

Quick Link for those who are going to TLDR, please help a content creator out.

I've been out of a PROPER job since last year as of the 31st (Tomorrow). I've been an UBER driver since November and when Austin decided to screw everything up, I've been stuck with a Pizza shack job as an additional stopgap.

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