• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2019
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Blog Posts

  • 204 weeks
    World Seeds: Running out of magic

    NOTE: this is a "World Seed" posting - you're welcome to take these ideas and run with them in your own story (getting a credit would be nice, but isn't strictly necessary - though I'd want at least to know there is a story that got inspired by this). See where it might take you. Good luck.

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    1 comments · 304 views
  • 257 weeks
    Weather, Cutie Marks, and the Everfree Forest - in an Equestria with a Source of Magic

    Previously, I have discussed one particular way of merging the idea of a "rational" universe, with Equestria's magic being present. There, I proposed the existence of a construct I have named the Source of Magic - an abstract construct big and powerful enough to be capable of performing feats considered "magical" while doing them only by the means available to everyone through the general laws of

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    0 comments · 321 views
  • 271 weeks
    On the subject of magic in a rational universe

    So, I've been reading a lot, and this has been bugging me, quite a bit actually.

    How could the concept of "magic" be explained in a universe that is rational? For example, our universe.

    Note: for the rest of this posting, unless noted otherwise, the word "magic" will refer to the concept - and observed effects - of effecting control over matter and energy, as seen on the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic".

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    6 comments · 460 views

Hall of Fame


World Seeds: Running out of magic · 9:27pm Aug 24th, 2020

NOTE: this is a "World Seed" posting - you're welcome to take these ideas and run with them in your own story (getting a credit would be nice, but isn't strictly necessary - though I'd want at least to know there is a story that got inspired by this). See where it might take you. Good luck.

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Report Kadigan · 304 views ·
Comments ( 62 )
  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62

Oooo Ill have to read the second and fourth one some time thank you for finding these. Right now im reading a few stories my fav rn being children of planet earth. I've read the first one a while ago it was great.

Have you read Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger? I would encourage giving Project: Sunflower a shot as well. It's different, but... Well, you'll see.

On the other side, there are stories where ponies go to human worlds - and out of those, there is one that stands out quite a bit but I can't recall the title right now. I'll edit this reply later to include it - Soldier of Magic. And then there's the one where Fluttershy returns from such a visit with a bionic leg and a digital eye...

There's also quite a bit of XCOM if you look, and one in particular (and its sequels, notably Mente Materia) tickles all three fancies - Stardust.

My favorite genera is sci fi and anything with tech.

What sort of thing are you looking for? Genres would be a good start. :-)

Magnificent lord do you have any recommendations on fics with humans. I am asking for you have Supreme taste.

  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62
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