• Member Since 31st May, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Spazz Kid

I write sometimes || Local Moron // Discord - Spazz_Kiddles

Blog Posts

  • 3 weeks

    since it's 2025 now i can officially say i havent showered since 2017 😂

    2 comments · 39 views
  • 12 weeks
    I've come to make an nnouncement.

    So, my next story, that I'm planning anyways, is going to be a clop story.
    I've been on the website so long, I might as well show FimFiction my porn writing chops.
    Before you ask, yes, I have experience writing this kind of thing. I'm just not a very fast writer most of the time, so it might take a while for it to come out.

    I should probably warn you, it'll probably be about something you wouldn't be happy about.

    Read More

    0 comments · 52 views
  • 14 weeks

    If I posted porn would I get featured

    1 comments · 43 views
  • 16 weeks

    Hi guys, it's been a little while, dropped some steaming hot garbage on your feed, give it a read of you'd like

    That's it

    0 comments · 30 views
  • 28 weeks
    Things never change

    Just peeped the feature box

    It's all pron

    1 comments · 89 views

My Stories

You've made it to the bottom..

Two bros


Welcome to my page.

Prepare to cringe.


Joined the herd in March of 2020

Ship(s) Supported: RariJack, AppleDash

So, how's it going, fellow gamers? It's ya boi, Spazz Kid...

Breaking the boundaries of stupidity since whenever the hell I was born.

Moving on...

Pony Waifus:

*Spitfire [GOD-TIER]
*Ms. Harshwinney [GOD-TIER]
*Windy Whistles [GOD-TIER]
*Limestone Pie [GOD-TIER]
*Autumn Blaze [GOD-TIER]
*Fleet Foot
*Pinkie Pie
*Rainbow Dash
*Vinyl Scratch [GOD-TIER]
*Izzy Moonbeam
*Kerfuffle [GOD-TIER]

Other Waifus:

*Mako (Kill la Kill)
*Satsuki Kiryuin (Kill la Kill)
* Bunnie D'Coolette / Bunnie Rabbot (Sonic Franchise) [GOD-TIER]
*Diane (Sven Deadly Sins)
*Mina Ashido (Boku No / My Hero Academia)
*Millie (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss) [GOD-TIER]
*Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
* Demencia (Villainous) [GOD-TIER]
*Merula Snyde (Harry Potter: Hogwarts' Mystery)
*Midna (Legend of Zelda) [GOD-TIER]
*Harley Quinn (DC)
*Lucille (Satina) [GOD-TIER]
*Spinel (Steven Universe) [GOD-TIER]
*Minus GF (Friday Night Funkin')
*Minus Mom (Friday Night Funkin')
*Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder) [GOD-TIER]
*Ms. Tarantula (The Bad Guys) [GOD-TIER]

Main OC:

Niro Ashnidon

Race: Pegasus

Age: 20 (Pre-show-premiere), 38 (Post finale)

[ I have more, trust me ]


This is Spazz Kidd signing off-





Story Suggestions?

Put 'em all down in the comments down below!

Twilight Sparkle; In My Opinion

I, personally, really like Twilight.
She's not my favorite character, but she's up there.

The odd thing to me is the fact that I like her in the first place.
Usually, I don't tend to like the main characters in stories all too much.
(With the exception of Kill La Kill)

Twilight, to me, is a good role model.
She's nice, she's smart, and she can do things on her own (Which is a given, seeing as she is the main character)

Her development as a character is good, and the way she solves problems is also good.

I wouldn't choose another character to focus the narrative on.

But then, we have her future self.

whoo boy...

I didn't really like it.

It felt like the design team was wanting to make her as much like Celestia as possible, and, as much as I like Celestia, I don't like this look.

It feels cheep. half-assed.

Personally, I would've wanted something like this-

But that's just me.

And then there's the shipping...
oh Faust save us all...

The first one that comes to mind, for me, is...


I don't really care for it.
You like it? Cool. You do you.

My real problem with this ship is that neither of them have any real good chemistry with each other, they barely interacted before hand.

It feels rushed, probably because it was.

Anyway, that's my opinion.
What do you think?

Music Stuff

Favorite Artist(s):

*Imagine Dragons
*Panic! at The Disco
*Maroon 5
*Hollywood Undead
*Lil' Dicky
*Juice WRLD (R. I. P)
*Breaking Benjamin
*Rag'n'Bone Man
*Ramen Noodiles
*Shawn Mendes
*The Lonely Island
*Infected Mushroom
*Mike Geno

Favorite Song:
Rei Brown - Picture Frames

The random shelf (SFW edition)

The Random Shelf (NSFW edition)

Comments ( 152 )
  • Viewing 143 - 152 of 152

I found it on Derpibooru right now.
It was quick, I just typed:
Ms. Harshwhinny, cigarette; and found it right on the first page.
There are two versions
One's ID is: 2972969
And other: 2972921

Anyway, thanks for your comment, I appreciate it when people reach out

I do too. Thanks for replying to me as well.

Artist is Light_artCavern on Twitter, or X or whatever you're wanting to call it, full image is nsfw, and I think was uploaded in 2022, idk i found the image on a forum

And I don't mean to come off as anything other than what I am, and that is Spazz Kid. I like being a shit poster, but if a story actually makes me want to say something genuine, then I will.
Also, when you're using a phone like me, you can't see most of your profile or edit it, so I haven't been able to do anything with it in some time.

Anyway, thanks for your comment, I appreciate it when people reach out , and thanks for writing something that I've read
Take care

I like your profile pic. Source? :duck:

Thanks for writing us that nice comment of yours on our story too:

TTrixie Sucks
Blood is not the only thing a vampire craves.
Bad Dragon · 1.1k words  ·  28  44 · 759 views

You know, at first glance you look like just some shitposter but looking at your page, you seem surprisingly nice.

I like getting mixed impressions like that; it makes the person seem very mysterious.
Good for you I say.

the closest thing you'll get to a review is a whitty comment when I read it, commentating on specific details of each chapter

Thanks for adding fave to "My Little VHS." Don't forget to add a "like" and leave nice reviews, if you please.

Thank you for putting How Vinyl Scratch Met Stevie Wonder Into your bookshelf.

I appreciate that of you.

Thanks again for taking interest in my stoies:twilightblush:

Ok thanks that would be nice since not many people talk about it so I have no idea what they like or hate.

No problem!
I'll give you my thoughts later, as I have yet to read it.

  • Viewing 143 - 152 of 152
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