This very, very, VERY impressive animation is featured in the second chapter. I spent who knows how many minutes gawking at this, unbelieving my eyes. This is probaly the closest Rosy will match a show-authentic pony. Again, huge thanks to TimeImpact for this incredible animation that begs us to give her a hug and tell that it's not so at all bad to be a female pony . . . It's not bad, right?
The animation in chapter 2 *spoiler*
Look into the mirror...
Art Gallery
Link to art gallery
For a reason yet unclear to me, Fimfiction does not display the art gallery I've hosted on Imgur. However, the link to does still work. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Chapter ready; illustration desired. · 11:25am Nov 23rd, 2020
Anyone want to lend their skills? I'd be most appreciative!
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Okay, share it with me through a PM? If you want to converse with me, it's certainly more convenient through Discord.
I may have to consider it.
By the way, do you have a Discord account?
You could always try, I suppose. Having the same friends on both accounts and/or IP address during login could clue them in.
I have not.