• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
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Pieces of a Broken Heart: H.B. art and fanart.


Life stuff. · 10:59am July 9th

Last month, I had learned that one of the members in my discord channel sadly passed. He had had a surgery on his hip cause of arthritis and due to complications involving blood clots, he passed after his mother found him on the kitchen suffering from seizures...

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Comments ( 485 )
  • Viewing 481 - 485 of 485

Aww, you actually did it! Thank you, HB. :twilightblush:

Honestly that’s just what fae do . They’re powerful, petty and sadistic.

I would to tell i like your books they are well written really good and I am hyped to see what will be the revenge of Anthony on these bitch of fae. I hope it's not like he will kill them that would be too simple and like the spirit and god of chaos discord said {death is boring but life is more fun}. I hope the punishment for their disgusting, inhuman and petty would be of the same step as their torture. continue you're the best. goodbye and good day

  • Viewing 481 - 485 of 485
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