• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2012


Hello to you, my name is Sosai! Read the blog! It'll do you all some good.

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Busy Bee · 4:44pm May 7th, 2012

I haven't forgotten about 15 Slices, just in case anybody's wondering. I'm trying to be an author in real life as well, and right now I'm super-piled on. I'm not sure why Hideaki let me decide to work on four books at once, but that's what I get when I signed up for the whole 'muse' thing. Oh, well. I still have a couple of those one-shots in the pipeline, and they'll make their way here when they're done. (And next time, I'll try to remember to format them for fanfiction. Oops!)

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