• Member Since 21st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 50 minutes ago


Aspiring author with an over active imagination. I'm ether very lucky or very cursed with the combination.

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Update! · 4:08am July 4th

Hello all! It’s been a hot second hasn’t it?

To start with this update, progress has been slow but steady. Currently, I have most of the major arches planned out for both side story and sequel, I just need to stop going to work and sit down to write. :trollestia:

But, of course that’s not the reason for this blog.

I think we all know where I’m going with this.

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Report Nephilinae · 431 views · Story: By the Moon ·

Update! · 4:08am July 4th

Hello all! It’s been a hot second hasn’t it?

To start with this update, progress has been slow but steady. Currently, I have most of the major arches planned out for both side story and sequel, I just need to stop going to work and sit down to write. :trollestia:

But, of course that’s not the reason for this blog.

I think we all know where I’m going with this.

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Report Nephilinae · 431 views · Story: By the Moon ·