• Member Since 4th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen June 26th

Flynt Coal

Cool guy extraordinaire. Writer. Storyteller. Shockingly Canadian.

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A Brief Biography

I am Flynt Coal: cool guy extraordinaire. Definitely not some loser in a dumb hat! I'm a Private Investigator with my own soda brand: Flynt Cola. My arch-nemesis is Max Black.

... Okay really, I'm a product of the minds at Achievement Hunter.

I'm actually a Canadian who works in the film/television industry. I'm a fan of video games and all things Rooster Teeth. I aspire to write professionally for film or television and also write more novel-ish things on the side.

And ponies. Let's not forget that.


Chapter 12 tomorrow · 10:35pm Jul 12th, 2022

Yes, you heard right. I'm not dead, and have a new Bughorse chapter ready to go for tomorrow at the usual time.

Report Flynt Coal · 300 views · Story: Paint the Sky ·
Comments ( 84 )
  • Viewing 80 - 84 of 84

Hey, was taking a walk down amazing fic lane and figured i'd pop over to see how You're doing.

Hope things are well as i see its been a while since you were on.

Stay awesome.

That's how it looks, yeah.

We don't. The obvious trolling is getting old now. Keep it up and I'll block you too.

Unfortunately her mom doesn't attend highschool

Someone has to fill the role, might as well be her

  • Viewing 80 - 84 of 84
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