• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


"For fun" is the best reason to do anything. "The best" is the best way to do everything.

The Man Himself!

Having been a fan since the first quarter of 2012, MyHobby finally decided that participating in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom wasn't nearly as weird as he had at first thought. Deciding to share his not-weirdness with the entire Internet, he registered on to FIMFiction.net in order to publish his works without all of that silly "working with an actual publishing company" stuff.

He also decided that his best legal defense was to stick his head between his knees and kiss his portly rump goodbye. He hopes to this day that Hasbro will not notice the nerd currently making himself a nuisance around the Internet, and wishes them many a long season to come.

He seems to be physically unable to work on any one story at a time. Eesh.

Pinkie Pie is his hero, just saying.

So is Rainbow Dash, but slightly less so.

Blog Posts

  • 129 weeks
    The Heart's Promise - Released into the Wild

    I normally announce new stories with a good old fashioned blog post, and I neglected to this time. No longer. We must maintain the traditions of old.

    For all of those who missed the debut... Behold!

    The Heart's Promise

    The age of ponies is over.

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    1 comments · 401 views
  • 134 weeks
    Coming Soon: The Heart's Promise - Info and Preview!

    Yo guys, just wanted to update you on the situation on the new story. I'm still working on that opening. I'm not sure that it'll be out this year, but for sure you'll be able to read it sometime January.

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    1 comments · 381 views
  • 180 weeks
    Edit: In the Absence of Twilight Sparkle Chapter

    Just wanted to let you know I made a mistake on the most recent chapter of ItAoTS. I erroneously described Dr. Twilight's lab as being on the ground floor of the Magic School, while its actual location is the second floor. This is kinda a big detail to just switch around. It's fixed now, and it's barely worth mentioning, but that's why the text will be slightly different on a

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    4 comments · 435 views
  • 190 weeks
    I Made an A.I. Re-Write Scenes from my Fanfics

    This is partially to make up for National Not Writing Month, which I participated in by not even writing a single thing last month. November is always waaaaay too busy for me to make much progress (I'm busy doing my part for wildlife conservation), and it turns out the current state of the world did not change a dippy-trippy thing.

    But anyway! :pinkiecrazy: A.I. writing fanfic!

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    2 comments · 422 views
  • 217 weeks
    A War Among the Stars: Top Five Favorite Star Wars Novels

    Yo, remember that Star Wars Podcast I'm part of? We've got 11 episodes now!

    I wanted to bring special attention to episode 11 itself, where my friend and I discuss our top five favorite Star Wars Expanded Universe novels. Our main focus is on Star Wars before Disney bought it, that bygone time now known only as Legends.

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    5 comments · 356 views

The Heart's Promise - Released into the Wild · 4:27am Feb 4th, 2022

I normally announce new stories with a good old fashioned blog post, and I neglected to this time. No longer. We must maintain the traditions of old.

For all of those who missed the debut... Behold!

The Heart's Promise

The age of ponies is over.

Read More

Comments ( 59 )
  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59


:rainbowlaugh: The pony version of Grey's Anatomy looks very different from what we're used to. Fictional physiology is best science. Also, FoME's term "cutiemorphic" is my new favorite adjective.

Stabbed through the heart
By Hurricane
You give dawn
A bad name!

Got it replaced
But it ain't the same
You give dawn
A bad name!


Yo MyHobby, FoME has a blog bringing attention to a bit of secondary canon relevant to your stories :trollestia:

I'm sorry I never answered your question! I have no excuse, save that it slipped my mind.

I'm really super sorry!

Griffons using the kaboom kapowski powder is mostly a background element after Lord Mayor Applejack. They "invent" guns and use them frequently in DayBreak, and later we see their military using cannons and the like in Rhythm and Rhyme.

In both stories, said powder serves to give them a one-up on the mostly-magical enemies they face.

Other than that, I think I've been sorta low-key on the gunpowder usage.:applejackunsure:

So no stories about Griffons using the Kaboom Kapowsky powder to blast boulders? Unless it do,and is simply not enough to happen in a separate story.

ohhh...well, then, i'll have to read more.

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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