A group dedicated to the various alternate timeline we saw in "The Cutie Remark"! So many timelines with so many outcomes! Choose your timeline and explore the endless possibilities!
A group dedicated to the various alternate timeline we saw in "The Cutie Remark"! So many timelines with so many outcomes! Choose your timeline and explore the endless possibilities!
I am in a sense a new writer. I have been writing a story where starlight messing with time creates an entirely new land mass called the Old World a European like landmass shaped almost like Europe. The Old World as a result is a land ruled by medieval pony kingdoms whom have no princesses celestial to guide them no monsters to force unit them. Just ponies who created medieval kingdoms that fall to their desires of power, greed,faith and war. But no one in Equestrian not even the main characters in mlp know that messing with the timelines caused this new landmass and pony kingdoms to be made and a new destiny for the world. The old World pony kingdoms are in a sense both Twilight Sparkles and Starlights mistake and creation, only they do not know this yet. The old world pony kingdoms are in a never ending war with itself. Its sort of like the hundred year war only its lasted a thousand years.
Cause I'm new at story writing its got mistakes and I have the habit I'm trying to break of writing chapters almost like a history book.
My story is based off the medieval total war 2 game I play.
For a grand total of ten different timelines.
Dark crystal war
Doppel ganging up
Shadow sky
Thee reck
Chaos central
Con ponies Non-pareille
Nuke a world
Purple alicorn sighted in small town
Purple alicorn seen in cloudsdale
This group's dead, isn't it?
I sure hope there will be more fanfics about these timelines.
I loved the timeline of King Sombra's badass return, The true evil this king had and since season three no one appreciated him and called him a bad villain. Hope season five changed their minds to see what would have happened if he had won.
Welp I'm the 250th member of the group...
Overall, Season 5 has been DHX Media's best yet!
Just think: If Fallout: Equestria was made at this time (without others making it first) it would've been waaay more interesting.
Pony-Zebra War? Friggin' Sombra timeline's Crystal War! Or maybe the Tirek timeline instead of magic nukes?
What if the Barrent Wasteland was the Equestrian Wasteland?! I got my own head canon.
No rainboom, Twilight worked her way up through Shining's position, learned magic more, still became friends, controlled the elements of harmony, and founded the ministries.
i loved the episode and it gave me the idea of doing my own fic/headcanon/what if stories, i did 3 chapters, and added some dark tones. if anyone reads it i'd love some feedback on what i could do better.
The season finale amazed me and made me fall in love with MLP all over again.
I knew that we were going to see some AUs but they were a lot darker than I was expecting and I love it. The Crystal Wars Rainbow Dash was my favourite part of the AUs with her prosthetic wing and badass hairstyle. I can't believe they got away with having a solider in a war with a torn up ear and implications of dismemberment on a cartoon for little girls. Seriously, though, I really love Dash's war hairstyle and I wish that it was her default hairstyle.
My Body is Ready for 10,000 Dark fics.
Hahaha this gonna be good.
I have arrived.
Aces group.