1. I became a fan of MLP in 2012
2. My favorite season is season 2 (I also really like season 1, 3, and 4)
3. My favorite pony is King Sombra
4. My favorite character of the G4 Mane 6 is Rarity (Rainbow Dash is number two)
5. My favorite MLP comic is Fiendship is Magic #1 Sombra
6. My favorite MLP comic character is Radiant Hope
7. My favorite MLP comic villain is Nightmare Rarity
8. My second favorite MLP villain is Queen Chrysalis
9. My favorite background pony is Derpy Hooves
10. My favorite season premiere is: The Crystal Empire (I also really like The Return of Harmony, The Cutie-Map, and The Beginning of The End)
11. My favorite season finale is: The Cutie Re-Mark (I love the alternate universe stuff! The Starlight stuff is not as good, but I still love Starlight's character!) (I'm also a big fan of The Best Night Ever, A Canterlot Wedding, Twilight's Kingdom, and To Where And Back Again)
12. My favorite story on FimFiction is currently The Fairy Tale Fiasco by LaWombat
13. My favorite MLP song artist is General Mumble
14. My favorite MLP song is currently WND3RBLT by Princewhateverer
15. I like a lot of things from seasons 1 - 5 (There are parts of seasons 6 - 9 I love, but I just prefer the first 5 seasons more. So, expect most of my stories to take place during pre season 1 to the season 5 finale.)
16. My favorite member of the CMC is Sweetie Belle
17. My favorite princess is Luna
18. My favorite of the G5 Mane 5 cast is Pipp Petals
19. The best ship is friendship! ...and King Sombra X Radiant Hope and Derpy Hooves X Doctor Whooves and Hitch Trailblazer X Zipp Storm, plus a few others I suppose...
20. My favorite MLP "Creepypasta" story is Cupcakes (because of its influence and everything it spawned, not the story itself which isn't anything more than a glorified shock fic really. Anyway so yeah, I like the story!)
21. My favorite post season 5 character is Starlight Glimmer (I know she's in season 5 but she's more of a character post that)
22. Two of my favorite pony animations are the My Little Dashie - The Mini Movie and the My Little Portal animated series
23. My favorite MLP "Grimdark" story is First Week of Winter by Relaxing Dragon
24. My favorite post season 5 villain is Cozy Glow
25. My favorite pony holiday is Nightmare Night
26. My favorite G5 character is Misty
27. My favorite generation is G4 (if that wasn't obvious)
28. My favorite MLP YouTube audio drama series is Princess Trixie Sparkle by Magpiepony
Top 5 Favorites
Past Sins Can Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past? 201,810 words · 12,676 · 381
Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger A mission to investigate a far off world takes an interesting twist. 66,018 words · 6,307 · 87
Moonlit Stranding There are no windows in my room, everything is lit by candlelight, and my gut is screaming at me to not trust a word she says. 72,566 words · 523 · 20
The Fairy Tale Fiasco Trapped in a magical storybook with King Sombra, Twilight must escape by finishing a collection of fairy tales. All they have to do is reach the ending. But not all heroes get a happily ever after... 152,030 words · 628 · 9
Blog Posts43
Featured Stories
Puss in Boots: The Philosopher's Stone Puss staved off Death, his relationship with Kitty has never been better, and he's got a new friend in Perrito! Nothing should have gone wrong, but an old enemy and a few new ones have come seeking power. Power that threatens Puss and those he loves. 9,116 words · 110 · 7
Alone King Sombra returns from his 1000 year banishment only to find that something very wrong has happened to the world in his absence. Determined to seek out what occurred he’ll discover a horrifying truth that could change the course of history forever. 16,423 words · 56 · 0
Reflections of a Unicorn Izzy Moonbow goes on a small adventure from Bridlewood to Maretime Bay in search of new friends, chaos ensues. 2,624 words · 50 · 4
One Little Mistake Celestia didn't want this to happen, any of it. Yet Luna is determined to bring the solar alicorn's rule to a swift end. And no matter how desperately she begs and pleas, Celestia can never take back the mistakes she's made. 8,816 words · 22 · 3
Now seems like a good time. Yes, I think now will do.
When will you continue your latest story??
No problem. If you want to follow me, that's nice. I'm just happy to make a new friend.