• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2014


This sneaky fox, always clad in a blue mask and gloves, has long been a bane of unwary travelers with loose accouterments.

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Happy New Year To All! · 5:02am Jan 2nd, 2014

I very much hope to be writing more soon. Right now, I'm in the middle of some editing of a yet-to-be-uploaded project thing. I hope that all of you are feeling great. See you soon. *hugs all around*

Report SwiperTheFox · 1,119 views ·
Comments ( 323 )
  • Viewing 314 - 323 of 323

Don't know if you even remember me, but I hope you're doing well.

I know it’s been a long time sense I showed my favorite writers on here some love but I’m thankful for all the good old work you did. But on a side know. What happened and why didn’t you come back. I have been gone for far to long

Bye swiper, Hope yo swig Dora's backpack

That is unfortunately true.:ajsleepy:
Hope he's happy, where ever he is.:pinkiesad2:

1764604 Swiggity swooty.
He left for dat booty.

  • Viewing 314 - 323 of 323
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