You guys are awesome and I should be the one thanking you. Here, have the only true currency of the internet: random videos.
Dear authors here to thank me for the favorite:
Top Favourites
The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog A human finds himself in Equestria... He decides to forsake Ponyville and see the world instead. 129,595 words · 4,115 · 125
Spellbound Fireflies Rainbow Dash teaches a preteen Scootaloo how to fly, strengthening their bonds, both to each other and the ponies around them. A story about love, family, and growing up. 74,164 words · 1,701 · 27
Assumptions Misunderstood and rejected, Rainbow Dash finds support in the most unlikely of ponies. 44,555 words · 247 · 14
Applejack ships are best ships.
A Delicate Balance Twilight struggles with the fact that her feelings for one of her friends may have turned romantic. 289,001 words · 1,892 · 63
Swing It's summertime fun and summertime love for everyone's favorite work-pony 29,823 words · 333 · 17
Three's A Crowd Fluttershy and Twilight have grown close, but will the Fluttershy stand a chance against Applejack? 46,108 words · 337 · 11
Applejack ships are still best ships.
Becoming Pinkie Pie It's no laughing matter when Applejack fears she's turning into Pinkie Pie! 21,615 words · 659 · 25
Dear Diary... A unicorn's diary entries reveal her growing feelings for a certain Earth pony farmer. 30,768 words · 184 · 3
Right Here, Right Now Just your typical run-of-the-mill feel-good Apple Pie shipfic 3,181 words · 135 · 4
A Fact for Twilight When Applejack asks Twilight on a date, Twilight realizes something about AJ that she never noticed. 5,173 words · 1,405 · 31
Unintended Applejack and Twilight discover that there's more to each other than what meets the eye. 79,130 words · 656 · 23
Thanks for the fav'!
I'm so jealous right now
I got a shiny Dunsparce yesterday. It was beautiful. Dun.
Thanks for faving my dumb thing
Hey! Thanks for the fave on 'Many Kinds of Love'. A fun look into the loyalty of Clover the Clever, and the only way I am ever going to write something that even looks like a RariLight story