[no title] · 10:54pm Jan 24th, 2013
Fear not my children, I am not dead or senile. I have been protecting your freedoms privileges from the draft dodging liberals. Just yesterday Princess Celestia sent me a letter through Glenn Becks anus (It would have come out of his mouth but it crammed full of Roger Ailes' love meat). It confirmed what I already know. O'Bama is in fact a Jew. Celestia knows these things because she's an Illuminati. But that is not the extent of the problems the American race faces. Just last week I let
this guy hasn’t been active for 5 fucking years
You sir, are an artist. I'm also glad you aren't gone for good like I thought.
iem a butthurt fggt and i thnk jus r cul
^IS what I would say if I was a butt hurt faggot
But I'm not.
And I have Jews.
And Santorum for not giving you Twilight.
And I think I might make a Greg Gutfeld so we can work together.
Well, you got my vote.