• Member Since 15th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen April 16th


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Jack · 6:00pm Oct 16th, 2013

The world was grey, under a wet blanket, and Jack was walking home. His long black hair was slick and wet, sticking to the back of his long-sleeved shirt. The teen shivered as he walked, his arms clutching at his sides. He'd forgotten to bring a coat.

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Report ElMikkino · 788 views ·
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I... See... You...

Samuel here again. WE DONE DID IT! HERE IS CHAPTER 1!!! :derpyderp1::derpytongue2::derpyderp2:

Ah Hello there sir! :twilightsheepish: I am Samuel, and i own a little company know as Project Equestria Productions, and i would just like to let you know that my team of VA's will be doing a reading of your story "Triple X"
if you have any questions comments or concerns email us at Projectequestria2013@gmail.com THANK YOU, and have a nice day! :derpytongue2:

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