• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 24th


I mostly edit things, and write things when my muse beats me enough.


For Real This Time · 6:23pm Mar 10th, 2019

Seriously, it's been a while.

Life has started to calm down a bit after graduation, and though I've been drifting a bit from the fandom and reading works from a few other fandoms a bit more...fervently than I expected, my notification tab was becoming a bit to daunting for me to ignore. :twilightblush:

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Some Things I Did Writ

Comments ( 150 )
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I disappear a bit like that

You're full of things to say at cons, but silent afterwards. It's a mystery. :derpyderp2:

This is a receipt that we will write a shitfic together soon

I love you too

B_25 #145 · Aug 4th, 2019 · · 2 ·

You're da best BUUUDDY

Found you!

I'm sure I will

Thank you very much for the follow! I hope you find my other stories enjoyable as well. :)

Happy new year! I could figure out which comment to reply to, so just letting you know the rewrites are finished.

Hey I’m depressed text me and come write a shitty story with me. (714) 496-3119 room 2132

Nice meeting you too.

That said, I did meet a lot of people at the con in which I gave my card to, so I might need a refresher on who exactly you are :twilightsheepish:

So, yeah, it was cool meeting you at the con, and I may ask you for help editing something eventually.

Thanks for the follow! :eeyup:


Thanks for the follow. :heart:

Many thanks for the follow! I hope that you'll continue to enjoy my work. 🎩

Repent for your sins

  • Viewing 131 - 150 of 150
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