• Member Since 15th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

The Lord Inquisitor

I let my writing do the talking.


Do you like kittens? · 6:35pm Jun 27th, 2016

Hello ladies.
Today I'm doing something a little different.
If you want political intrigue... wait till next week.
In the meantime, I have something else.
Do you like undertale?
Do you want something with serious commentary, deep thought and hard questions?
Then look elsewhere.
Do you want laughs, more laughs and some off colour humour?
Then maybe we can help you.

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Last login on March 23rd. Damn. Missed the date to say hi.

Yo, dude, I'll get to your editing this weekend. Just message me a list of what you want me to take care of or otherwise implement and I'll see to it.


Ahh, that was it. Tried reading them on my new phone, totally forgot about the filter. Cheers!

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