I have been to the house of wolves and it was awesome · 7:11pm May 21st, 2015
So yea I've been playing House of Wolves which is taking up time that I could spend writing. But have no fear for I will continue to write when I can. How is the House of Wolves for you? The one thing I truly hate about this DLC is the freaking Cabal boss and is shielded minions.
There are two MLP Destiny Pieces of gear I would like to share.
Celestial Sun
For Warmth. For Growth. Glory to the Sun.
Exotic scout Rifle.
Solar Damage.
Thanks for favoriting Flurry in Time! I hope you enjoy it right to the end
Thanks for adding "The Iron Horse" to your list of favorites! I hope you will continue to enjoy the story!
1635776 Thank you for creating such a good story
Thank you for the favorite of Battle Cry of the Nadir!
Thanks for the fav!
I'm glad you enjoyed the workings of my sick depraved mind!