• Member Since 27th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 8th, 2023



Wow · 3:00am Oct 9th, 2014

The Princess of Books is ranked 94th on Fimfiction. It is the 14,291st longest story and can be found in 2,482 bookshelves, being tracked by 1,533 users.
An Unepic Pony War In The Non-Distant Future is ranked 98th on Fimfiction. It is the 24,666th longest story and can be found in 2,039 bookshelves, being tracked by 1,261 users.

I really was not expecting either, much less both, of my stories to be in the Top 100. So thanks one more time to all you readers.

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An absolute legend

I hope to see more of your brand of humor on fimfiction in the future. :pinkiehappy:

Hi anowack! How are you? :pinkiehappy:

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