Against the Morons · 8:41am Dec 30th, 2019
After 3 years of being focused elsewhere, I have done another chapter of this story, which will go up soon, titled 'Against the Morons', starring Luna, Ivan, and Cunning Thought.
It should be up by New Years. I hope you enjoy it.
Here's a snippet:
Cunning Thought’s Entirely Honest Journal:
Immortals don’t need to sleep but I sometimes choose to, partly to confuse people but also because I find it helps me order my thoughts.
Even years later this still holds up as one of the better MLP Fanfics IMO.
Weird that you only wrote one though.
You're the guy who wrote Children of an Elder God, right? That was one of the major influences that got me interested in cosmic horror, so I just had to say thank you for that!
Not... exactly pony related, but still something I needed to say.
Thanks! Praise is the only pay fanfic authors get, so I never say no to it
Oh wow, it's you! I didn't know you were here. Your early anime fanfics were what helped me really get into anime (and fandom in general). I ordinarily wait for an author to put out three stories I like before I follow them but you're prequalified in my opinion.
Life can be quite the busy bee. No worries - the years seem to slip by ever-faster these days!