• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 11th, 2023


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Blueberry Muffins! Cinnamon Swirl! Adorable Fluffy Kittens! · 4:42pm Apr 24th, 2013

Twilight Sparkle stomped her way across the castle courtyard, fuming. “I cannot believe what that pony just said!”

Cadance looked up from the book she was reading. “Was it Blueblood again?”

Twilight nodded. “Ever since I became a Princess, he’s been trying to get me into his bed. Today he decided to enumerate the things he could do for me with… extremely creative metaphors. I think it was supposed to be poetry?”

Cadance laughed. “I suppose he can be kind of a cute little teddy bear.”

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Report terrycloth · 1,074 views ·
Comments ( 303 )
  • Viewing 299 - 303 of 303

Thx for the fave on ANTP -- it's really appreciated right now while the first chapter of my new piece is busy collecting thumbs-down like crazy go nuts. Cheers!

Thankie for the fav on One Sprout, Many Buds! :pinkiehappy:

Holy fuck, I didnt realize you had written so many of the weirder stories I've read on here. Major props to you for your fucking insane prose and somehow wilder fetishes.

  • Viewing 299 - 303 of 303
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