• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 12th, 2019

D G D Davidson

D. G. D. is a science fiction writer and archaeologist. He blogs on occasion at www.deusexmagicalgirl.com.


Equestria Daily author tag

D. G. D., known as The Deej for short, is an archaeologist and sometimes an sf writer. When he's not playing in the dirt, lurking on this site, or lurking on his blog, he's working on his novel in progress, an action-centered fantasy inspired by an overdose of magical girl cartoons, which runs under the working title of Rag & Muffin. He likes to call it "magical girl noir" and pretend he's creating a new genre. He hypothesizes that My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is popular with young men because it is superficially similar to a Japanese harem comedy.

Self-promotion: You can read a Rag & Muffin flash fiction by clicking here.

Pony waifu: Princess Misty
Best butt monkey: Spike
Best HiE: Megan
Thing he'd most like to see in the show: Sea ponies
Thing that would make him flip a table and ragequit: Rainbow Dash dating anypony other than Big Macintosh


There is only One Queen. There is only One Judge.


I feel a strange urge to create magical girl gang weed memes · 3:38am Sep 28th, 2018

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Comments ( 192 )
  • Viewing 188 - 192 of 192

What do you mean by "There is only One Queen. There is only One Judge" ?

The link to www.deusexmagicalgirl.com at the top of the page is broken. It has a fimfiction prefix.

Oh, hey, my comment is broken in the same way! Turns out that, if you write a web address but don't give a link, fimfiction now inserts a link, but buggily.

Comment posted by James-Plasma deleted Aug 18th, 2016

2195824 Thank you kindly sir.


I'm sure someone else did it before me anyway, and I seem to think it's a concept that even has a page on TVTropes. I can't think of a specific example of something exactly like it off the top of my head, but I do recall that the Romanticists were big into personality fragmentation, so there's that.

Something like that is not plagiarism, so be my guest.

  • Viewing 188 - 192 of 192
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