• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday



Episode reviews: Uprooted/ Between Dark and Dawn/ A Trivial Pursuit · 1:49am Sep 2nd, 2019

Okay, quick talk about three episodes. I know I haven't been doing these weekly but I am behind on mlp. Season 8 wasn't... as good as I would have hoped so I stopped keeping track each week. My bad. Season 9, from what I've seen, has picked up the slack. So there's some positive. I'm going to try and watch at least 2 or 3 episodes a day until I get caught up. Don't worry, I'll be ready for the finale..... ugh, i don't want to think about this show coming to an end.

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Shimmerverse Grouped Blog

Someone brought it to my attention that it would be best to keep all information together in one blog. So I've brought together all available Shimmerverse Items.
Please note that the Shimmerverse is an open world. If you wish to write a story and contribute to this group, please consult me. I am rather open to new ideas and stories for this world so don't be afraid to approach me.

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A Different Sunset Review

Comments ( 335 )
  • Viewing 331 - 335 of 335

Are planning to update The Greatest Treasure at some point in the future?

Planning to sometime this year but life has been... tough so lost a lot of will to write.

Say are you going to update the fifth holy grail war: A pony's perspective? Or is it perma hiatus?

Hey Evo, it has been awhile hasn't it? :) Hope you are doing well.

  • Viewing 331 - 335 of 335
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