• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday



Queen Umbra. The former tyrant of the Crystal Empire. She has returned thanks to dark magic and her plans are more sinister then ever. Through quick wit and treachery, she has put wedges between Equestria's heroes. Celestia has no choice to but summon a hero from a distant land. Will he be enough in these trying times to save everyone?

And how many sexy scenarios will he go through by the end?

{A crossover with Familiar of Zero}
Humanized Equestria, slight genderbend (only a few characters)

Chapters (8)

Chaldea. A place set up to bring about humanity's salvation, now running against time and opponents strong enough to break the world in two, all to save their species. Now the danger has come to a new world.

Now Equestria will face a being with possession of the Holy Grail. Grogar has returned and he will not stop until Equestria, and the worlds beyond, are his.

It is up to the masters of Chaldea and their allies to stop them.

Hello everyone. This story takes place in the same universe as Fate Grand Blunder, a Fate/massive crossover verse. Written by King of Beasts, I recommend the story but you don't have to read it in order to get the gist of this. I'll do my best to make sure everyone can keep up.

{On the Equestrian side, this takes place after the series is over.}

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle was used to a lot of strange things. So when she pursued the strange unicorn who had stolen her crown through a portal, she thought she could handle whatever came her way. Unfortunately for her, she finds herself involved in a war far greater then she could have imagined. Thankfully, she's got a cute boy to help her survive. Fifth war/EQG 1 mixup.

Cover art: by Alex-kellar

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to To Fear A Predator

After the recent debacles going on in Ponyville, Sunset thought she had finally settled them and moved on to a more peaceful life. Of course, then comes a surprise from her mother. Two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. Ecstatic to go since she doesn't often get to, she has to choose which friend to bring.

... If only she didn't have so many friends to choose from.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to A Different Sunset

Sunset Shimmer was an orphan the day before. Now she isn't. Now she has a home and a good mommy to make her smile. So begins her day and she hopes the rest of them after.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire has always wanted to be a Wonderbolt and fight Equestria's enemies for glory and recognition. Now's her chance, but it doesn't turn out the way she would have thought it would to her chagrin.

{Part of the Shimmerverse}

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer is planning her revenge. She wants to wipe away the ones who took everything from her. Who destroyed her dreams. So she's decided to trail them and learn their secrets, especially that meddling alicorn's. The key to it all is that they don't know about it.

Unfortunately, one stallion knows and Starlight's going to have to play nice in order to keep him quiet.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to A Different Sunset

Ever wondered how Twilight became a chaos sorcerer? About what happened to so many ponies before the start of this series and their origins? Look no further then here. 'What Happened' will be a series of short stories that will detail the backstories of some of your more familiar characters.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Rumble's Cutie Problem

Sunset and the others have been trying to live at least somewhat peacefully after the events prior. However, it seems fate doesn't want to let up. Ponies are going missing in and around Ponyville and a new Inquisitor has been sent in to oversee the town's defenses.

As well, a griffin and his apprentice have set up roots in Ponyville as of late and there are growing suspicions abound on them. Are they at fault or is there something else going on?

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to A Different Sunset

Quickfix knew that a healthy bit of rest was great for a talented mind. She wasn't going to jeopardize that for anything, yet when two vermin annoy her to no ends. She takes it in her own hooves to stop them.

If only her efforts didn't just make it worse.

Chapters (1)