Straight Shipping 2,906 members · 6,657 stories
Adagio Dazzle ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Alphabittle ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Amythest Star (Sparkler) ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Apple Bloom ( 2 sub folders ) 111
Applejack ( 2 sub folders ) 210
Argyle Starshine ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Aria Blaze ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Autumn Blaze ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Babs Seed ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Berry Punch ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Big Macintosh ( 2 sub folders ) 243
Blossomforth ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Blueblood ( 2 sub folders ) 31
Bon Bon ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Bow Hothoof ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Braeburn ( 2 sub folders ) 59
Bright Mac ( 2 sub folders ) 10
Bulk Biceps ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Button Mash ( 2 sub folders ) 20
Cadance ( 2 sub folders ) 112
Capper ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Caramel ( 2 sub folders ) 40
Carrot Top ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Celestia ( 2 sub folders ) 160
Cheerilee ( 2 sub folders ) 14
Cheese Sandwich ( 2 sub folders ) 37
Cherry Jubilee ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Chrysalis ( 2 sub folders ) 46
Cloudchaser ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Cloudy Quartz ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Coco Pommel ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Cookie Crumbles ( 2 sub folders ) 0
Cozy Glow ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Daisy ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Daring Do ( 2 sub folders ) 12
Derpy ( 2 sub folders ) 84
Diamond Tiara ( 2 sub folders ) 7
Dinky Hooves ( 2 sub folders ) 7
Discord ( 2 sub folders ) 144
Doctor Whooves ( 2 sub folders ) 55
Donut Joe ( 2 sub folders ) 7
Double Diamond ( 2 sub folders ) 8
Ember ( 2 sub folders ) 16
Fancy Pants ( 2 sub folders ) 17
Feather Bangs ( 2 sub folders ) 14
Featherweight ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Filthy Rich ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Flam ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Flash Magnus ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Flash Sentry ( 2 sub folders ) 53
Fleetfoot ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Fleur-de-Lis ( 2 sub folders ) 12
Flim ( 2 sub folders ) 8
Flitter ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Flurry Heart ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Fluttershy ( 2 sub folders ) 355
Gabby ( 2 sub folders ) 12
Gallus ( 2 sub folders ) 77
Garble ( 2 sub folders ) 7
Gilda ( 2 sub folders ) 23
Gloomy Sonnet ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Hitch Trailblazer ( 2 sub folders ) 61
Hondo Flanks ( 2 sub folders ) 0
Igneous Rock Pie ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Izzy Moonbow ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Jazz Hooves ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Lemon Heart ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Lightning Dust ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Lily ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Limestone Pie ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Little Strongheart ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Luna ( 2 sub folders ) 180
Luster Dawn ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Lyra ( 2 sub folders ) 28
Mage Meadowbrook ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Marble Pie ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Maud Pie ( 2 sub folders ) 14
Minuette ( 2 sub folders ) 7
Mistmane ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Misty (G5) ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Moondancer ( 2 sub folders ) 7
Mr. Cake (Carrot Cake) ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Mr. Shy (Gentle Breeze) ( 2 sub folders ) 0
Mrs. Cake (Cup Cake) ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Mrs. Shy (Posey Shy) ( 2 sub folders ) 0
Neon Lights ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Night Glider ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Night Light ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Noteworthy ( 2 sub folders ) 11
Nurse Redheart ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Ocellus ( 2 sub folders ) 17
Octavia ( 2 sub folders ) 50
Opaline ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Party Favor ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Pear Butter ( 2 sub folders ) 10
Pharynx ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Pinkie Pie ( 2 sub folders ) 217
Pipp Petals ( 2 sub folders ) 23
Pipsqueak ( 2 sub folders ) 11
Pokey Pierce ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Posey Bloom (G5) ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Primrose ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Queen Haven ( 2 sub folders ) 7
Radiant Hope ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Rainbow Dash ( 2 sub folders ) 422
Raindrop ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Rarity ( 2 sub folders ) 258
Rockhoof ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Rocky Riff ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Roseluck ( 2 sub folders ) 12
Rumble ( 2 sub folders ) 20
Saffron Masala ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Sandbar ( 2 sub folders ) 45
Scootaloo ( 2 sub folders ) 80
Shining Armor ( 2 sub folders ) 121
Silver Spoon ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Silverstream ( 2 sub folders ) 57
Sky Stinger ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Skystar ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Smolder ( 2 sub folders ) 24
Snails ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Snips ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Soarin' ( 2 sub folders ) 214
Sombra ( 2 sub folders ) 79
Somnambula ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Sonata Dusk ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Spike ( 2 sub folders ) 355
Spitfire ( 2 sub folders ) 43
Sprout Cloverleaf ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Starlight Glimmer ( 2 sub folders ) 143
Starswirl the Bearded ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Strawberry Sunrise ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Stygian ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Sugar Belle ( 2 sub folders ) 8
Sunburst ( 2 sub folders ) 33
Sunny Starscout ( 2 sub folders ) 23
Sunset Shimmer ( 2 sub folders ) 14
Sweetie Belle ( 2 sub folders ) 112
Tempest Shadow ( 2 sub folders ) 14
Tender Taps ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Terramar ( 2 sub folders ) 3
Thorax ( 2 sub folders ) 25
Thunder Flap ( 2 sub folders ) 4
Thunderlane ( 2 sub folders ) 56
Treehugger ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Trenderhooves ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Trixie ( 2 sub folders ) 58
Twilight Sparkle ( 2 sub folders ) 474
Twilight Velvet ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Twinkleshine ( 2 sub folders ) 0
Vapor Trail ( 2 sub folders ) 9
Vinyl Scratch ( 2 sub folders ) 32
White Lightning ( 2 sub folders ) 1
Windy Whistles ( 2 sub folders ) 5
Yona ( 2 sub folders ) 28
Zecora ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Zephyr Breeze ( 2 sub folders ) 6
Zipp Storm ( 2 sub folders ) 15
Zoom Zephyrwing ( 2 sub folders ) 2
Other ( 2 sub folders ) 658
All OC ( 2 sub folders ) 233
Multiple Pairings ( 2 sub folders ) 107
Contest Winners 3

Welcome to the group for heterosexual shipfics and clopfics.

I'm going to be blunt and point out this group is not intended to be homophobic, and it shouldn't be interpreted as such.

All stories submitted must be a fiction where the main focus is of a romantic and/or sexual relationship between two characters of the opposite gender. Other shipping / romance (including F/F and M/M) can be present, as long as the spotlight of the fic is on the F/M pair.
-Group Rules

This group is a place where readers and authors alike can gather to submit and share fictions which involve M/F shipping. We welcome all fictions which are focused on a male & female pairing, and we would love to see more on Fimfiction. If you want to suggest ideas, discuss your favorite pairing, or just say "Hey!" then feel free to use the forums. Anyone can start a thread, and all you need to get started is to take a quick gander at the rules which are linked below.

Please note the Group Rules

Comments ( 216 )
  • Viewing 197 - 216 of 216

Gee, then do not be part of that religion.

true but sometimes religon 'n stuff is against it (note I am LGBTQIA+ myself as a Non-Binary, NBLW, Asexual)

Respect is one thing, being forced to like or bend the knee is an entirely different thing.

Your right that they need to respect lgbtqia+

Glad I found this group, literal fresh air

Comment posted by HumanSVD deleted January 17th

It would be nice if this group were updated with more categories. Where are the G5 ships? Or the ones with Student Six? Or Flurry Heart?

This group seems to have not updated in awhile. Please add these categories.

Ok so the first 3 I can see fairly easily, but AJ and especially fluttershy kinda seem out of left field. Why do you think they’d be good matches?

So I’m trying to submit my story, but it keeps saying that I don’t have the permissions to do so. Probably me being a dunce, but what permissions is it referring to and how do I get them? I’m trying to submit to the Rainbow Dash folder, if that somehow makes a difference in what the problem could be.

Seems quiet in here! Anywho, I’m all about straight ships! Working on my pairings for the Mane 6. I think I’ve got everyone except Twilight decided.

Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
Rainbow Dash x Soarin’
Rarity x Capper
Applejack x Blueblood
Fluttershy x Dr. Caballeron (you read that right)

For Twilight... maybe Scorpan or Star Tracker... Sunburst would be adorable, but I’m really attached to StarBurst.

Hi! I accidentally misclicked on my phone and added my Chrysalis story to an Octavia folder. That was my bad. Can someone fix that/pull it from that folder? Thank you!

Will there be new folders to account for 2019?

Comment posted by Captain-Brony deleted May 31st, 2019

I don't think it is wrong for humans to be homo, but seriously tho, the fandom is killing Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. I mean, Pinkie Pie X Cheese Sandwich is true love tho!

Who makes and adds the folders for this group?

I just ran over a dog going 70 mph with a pickup truck.

Hey, except for fluttercord, I like those ships! :twilightsmile:

FlashLight :twilightsheepish:
Fluttercord :yay:
SoarinDash :rainbowkiss:
PinkieSandwich :pinkiehappy:
FlimJack :ajsmug:
RariSpike :raritystarry:

I know this is poor advertising but I just put out a new story called The Hearth's Warming Surprise I'm happy how it's turning out and i'd love for you guys to come and see. Thank you :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 197 - 216 of 216