• Member Since 28th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 1st, 2017


Admin of Straight Shipping and SpikeDash among others. I write half-stories.

What I've Been Reading

Hello and welcome to my userpage. I am Vexy. I'm one of the older members of Fimfiction who you might occasionally see about. Add me on Skype (Smithyy101) or throw me a PM if you need to contact me.

I ship just about everything.

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Comments ( 468 )
  • Viewing 459 - 468 of 468

Rest in Peace bro, I have no clue what happened to you, why you deleted all of your stories, but man, your stories were great. Spike's Crusade was pretty good.

Ayyy sexy

Aww...I had hoped that he had multiple accounts so his stories could continue...


The story has worked its way into my hands as I vowed to continue it. I do intend to continue it, but I've been struggling to work on it these last few months. Hopefully I'll have something new for you soon. :twilightsmile:

Hey waita second...over on MallaJong1's user page, under his featured stories list, is Spike's Rainbow Dash..., and some other user said that MallaJong1 was banned...so...what's going on here?! Also! Great work on infiltrating the system!

Admin of Straight Shipping and SpikeDash among others. I write half-stories.

HUZZAH! The Rebel Alliance has scored a major victory with this one!

2140789 ok. I understand, I have had a lot go on with life to. Thanks for letting me know that you will continue the story at some point


I'm hoping to continuing it real soon. Life's been getting in the way a lot lately.

Heyyyyy.... So I was looking at my read later stories and had seen the spikes rainbow dash that I haven't read in a while. Why did you just sort of stop on it?

  • Viewing 459 - 468 of 468
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A Commission · 10:36pm Apr 10th, 2015

I'm a little late with this one, but I'd just like to direct anyone interested to a little SpikeDash I had commissioned. You can find a link to that right here.


Spike grew up -- a little more than Dash ever expected, it seems.

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