Bad Future CrusadersOne fateful night in Equestria everything changed. The princesses were gone, and a new ruler had taken their place. Years have passed since that event. Ponies have grown up, aged, and changed with the times. Tonight their story TonicPlotter
138,142 words
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Synthetic Bottled SunlightOf all the terrible forces Celestia could have fallen to, Flim Flam Industry was the last one she had NorrisThePony
242,135 words
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MonstersLuna's betrayal plunged Equestria into chaos. In a bid to restore harmony, Celestia calls upon the very ponies who once served the Nightmare to drag the world from the ashes – and find the monsters who would threaten our future. I am one such JawJoe
115,226 words
· 583 · 16
AsylumWhen Twilight Sparkle went to bed, she had friends she loved and a life she enjoyed. But she awoke to hospital gowns and padded restraints. And the doctors, they keep telling her that she is sick and none of it was real. They’re lying, right?by Daemon of Decay
191,184 words
· 4,950 · 121
When Twilight Sparkle went to bed, she had friends she loved and a life she enjoyed. But she awoke to hospital gowns and padded restraints. And the doctors, they keep telling her that she is sick and none of it was real. They’re lying, right?
As punishment for her crimes, the Elements have cursed Sunset Shimmer to do favors for anyone who asks. Lucky her. And then there's that other Twilight Sparkle she keeps running into...
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Y are you going to wright any stories soon
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998651 You're welcome
I thought it was super cute!
thanks for checking my SpikeDash fic! peace out.