• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 3rd, 2015



More delays I know :( · 5:20am Apr 27th, 2015

Yeah, I know, no updates in too long of a time :/ . It's that unique mix of doing longer shifts at work, getting ready for the wedding, and slacking on my part. Every time I sit down to write and am like "today I will finish this chapter" I very quickly go "(yawn) nope time for a nap".

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Report TonicPlotter · 820 views · Story: Bad Future Crusaders ·

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

Its bothly terryfing and misterious to think as to where "TonicPlotter" will be by now.

He may be Elon Musk in disguise, we may never know :trixieshiftright:

5 years.
It has been over 5 years now since your last "fic is not dead guyz" post.
Are you ever coming back?

so, are you alive or...?

Over a year since the writer has even logged on. Bad Future Crusaders is dead.

Come back here and write more Bad Future Crusaders, please? :fluttercry:

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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