• Member Since 7th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen April 23rd

Amras Felagund

Hello. I am a brony by the name of Amras Findaráto Alatáriel Felagund. My pronouns are 'he/him' and 'they/them'. I am a big fan of FIM fanfictions, both in the reading AND writing departments.


Remembering DarthLink22, and Plans for the Future · 1:00am Mar 11th, 2022

So... how long has it been since I actually penned a blog post here? This place is just so dusty...

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Bro, Amras, you named after the french word for vomit, why is she treated like this while Scootaloo is having fantasies of her dad beating her?

I gotta ask what you're obsession with targetting Diamond Tiara was, maybe things were different in 2014, but DT is not a bully anymore. Fuck, i cant even blame her for bullying the cmc, given the only reason they have any importance is nepotism.

Thank you very much for the fave on The Light in the Darkness! :pinkiesmile:

Hello Amras. Back in November, I offered to create an audiobook of his stories "Aftermath of the Games" and "Integration". While they might not be completed, I am still planning on creating the audiobook. I plan on using 15.ai once the new characters are put in. Darth Link wanted me to let him know when I made it. He gave his approval to me as well. If you would like, I can share it with you once I get it made (gonna work on a chapter at a time for Integration, for Aftermath of the Games, I will do the entire story). I just can't believe that he is gone. I only found out today as well.

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