• Member Since 11th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I love all things Twilight Sparkle.....also i kina detest anthro...if i wanted to read about furries ide goto sofurry.com lol


wtf lol · 1:44pm Sep 30th, 2015

lol...ok...apparently i now have more followers than some of the people actually putting out content...
how is this a thing?

Report Arcfoxx · 647 views ·
Comments ( 567 )
  • Viewing 563 - 567 of 567

Thanks for putting "Beach Bodies" in your bookshelf! I hope you enjoy!

Here good sir and/or madam lol

Your bio means you have good taste.

[Not to mention furry horse yiff looks better than 98% of MLP anthros]

It pleases me that you added My Friend Tenty to your library. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding my story to your bookshelf.

  • Viewing 563 - 567 of 567
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