• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 27th, 2019



Watch me fly like Scootaloo. · 2:47pm Mar 15th, 2014

Well, I'm heading off to jump out of an airplane. If I never log back on, it probably means I accidentally turned into a hole in the ground. Later!

Report Periphery · 516 views ·

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Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

I like your profile pic! :twilightsmile:

Have u met a guy named lilth search him out.

Thank you the favorite of Fallen! I hope you'll keep reading. :twilightsmile:

I don't know you, but that is probably the best rarity icon I've ever seen.

Thanks for the fav! :twilightsmile:


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