A Moonlit BalconyAfter Nightmare Night, Luna invites Twilight to tea, and the two of them become closer friends. Princess Celestia teases Luna about it sometimes.by aquilerafroot
40,399 words
· 1,001 · 25
Les Mots D’amourTwilight has feelings for Rarity, but it seems the fashionista doesn't feel the same way. Or does she?by aquilerafroot
3,030 words
· 244 · 4
CurlsRarity has been acting strangely lately, and Twilight tries to figure out what her behaviour means.by aquilerafroot
26,074 words
· 286 · 16
A Moonlit BalconyAfter Nightmare Night, Luna invites Twilight to tea, and the two of them become closer friends. Princess Celestia teases Luna about it sometimes.by aquilerafroot
40,399 words
· 1,001 · 25
Les Mots D’amourTwilight has feelings for Rarity, but it seems the fashionista doesn't feel the same way. Or does she?by aquilerafroot
3,030 words
· 244 · 4
266431 Watch your back.
I'm watching you...
262548 thanks^^ going to check it out now^^
Hey thanks for pointing it out! It seems they changed the urls so I've updated it