• Member Since 27th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen June 20th


Just your typical mediocre writer trying to make up for his lack of skill at the craft by producing shlocky unoriginal fanfiction!


And so the return begins · 4:03am Jan 22nd, 2016

Welp, now that I've finished re-reading through The Next in Line in it's entirety (boy was that a painful experience) and finished planning out generally what I want to do for the next few chapters, I've finally sat down and gotten to work. So far things seem to be running smoothly. I've no real idea just how long this chapter is going to turn out to be, I'm around 600 words in so far according to Google Docs, so we're off to a decent start at least.

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Report gmoneywalker · 381 views · Story: The Next in Line. ·

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Comments ( 84 )
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Hey, my pleasure. It's a fun read, I'll be sure to check out some of your other stuff. Heck, I think it might've even inspired me to write my own pony organized crime fic.

This comment is very poorly written, wow. Anyhow, I do want to say that I'm kicking around the idea of finishing TNiL. Though the ending will probably be pretty different from what I was building up to.

Thanks for the fav!

2041562 To be honest I don't really have the will or time at the moment. I've sort of moved on at the moment, I WANT to finish it just to say I have but I doubt it'll be soon. I'm thinking of coming back, removing the last few chapters, and putting up the intended ending just to call it good for now.

At this point in time, consider the ending of the date the canonical ending for the story with everything else being unimportant. I might come back to pony stuff some day, but it won't be within the next couple days, that's for sure.


Are you going to finish the next in line story?

Please finish?

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