• Member Since 6th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 15th, 2016


Some dork who writes horse romance. What more do you want from me?

Channel Music!



New Collaboration Story! · 5:48pm Aug 29th, 2013

So hey, I started a new story. I mean, WE started a new story. Whirring Gears and I. The two of us. Making a thing.

Alongside our other collaboration Step Up, Don't Suck, we're bringing another fic to the table. Starring you and Applejack, our newest tale Bumper Crop is now available on this site! Be warned, however, as it is a Mature fic.

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Report Kody910 · 1,194 views ·

Stupid things I've written

Comments ( 100 )
  • Viewing 96 - 100 of 100

If he ever returns, tell him his stories are spectacular.

Uhh i think he's gone... Last update was back in 2015...
Im not 100% sure but that what it looks like.

Whatever happened to this guy?

Well im gona miss this guy,...lets see he lost to jet jaguar and he wrote cool things...thats all ive got.RIP or well if you are not dead have fun in the game of life!

1628358 Well... I do believe it is about that time, my friend.

  • Viewing 96 - 100 of 100
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