Goodbye. (this is the part where you would play the worlds smallest violin) · 5:00am Jan 17th, 2013
It's been a year that I've been on this site, and I... well, I'm here to say goodbye.
Sorry, but I'm done with this site. I can't be on here for hours on end anymore, and I need time to get my life in check.
The only reason why I'm even on the site in the first place was MPPT3K, and that fell right through.
He's left, if you've not yet noticed.
ok....ive always belived if you cant laugh at yourself then you shouldnt laugh at others....i lay the only decent fic ive written at your feet for riffing
do your worst....i can take it
xD Woo~hoo~
I'm surprised a fellow riffer is asking me to riff a fic. I'll definitely think about it.