• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2024

Outlaw Quadrant

An author, occasional artist and critic all rolled into one! I may never grace the front page in my lifetime but if you're looking for something on the lighter side, you've come to the right place!


Yes! I'm still here (sorta)! · 5:31am Oct 30th, 2020

Wow! Has it been over four years since my last post?

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Comments ( 16 )
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2160494 Glad you enjoyed it. Don't forget to read the final part, Brayside Crush!

All along, I wanted to keep the series believable in respect to the show. As for my OCs, I personally don't see them that differently than any other character. The main distinction is one gets to be in actual books, TV or other large medium. I just try to develop them well enough that they could make it on their own given the chance.

I downloaded return to flight and top wings to read on the plane while traveling and they're awesome! It really feels like the show, and he even seems like a "Real" OC, if you get my drift. Even the worldbuilding seems like something the show would do.

Thanks for the wonderful comments and fav on The Old Gray Mare! :twilightsmile:

Hey, thanks for favoriting 'Rigging Up the Lights! :pinkiehappy: I really appreciate it, you know! :raritywink::twilightsmile:

Thank you for the Fave of my story Every Little Bit! I'm glad that you could enjoy my peek into the little world of Dash and Spike.:moustache::rainbowkiss:

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