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Hey! Just your typical Australian brony here in my first year of university :) gotta love RD, she's the reason I started getting into the show 3 years ago, stay awesome!
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Not a problem my good fellow, the way you wrote it and built up to that moment was some of the best writing I've seen on here
I'm glad you enjoyed my little foray into the little world of Spike and Dash, Hash. I'm glad that you Faved Every Little Bit, and liked how they contemplated how their lives are similar... and, you know, their kiss!

Oh, wow! Thank you so much for the Watch! I greatly appreciate it, and I'll keep doing my best to deserve it!
Hahaha, no problem, it's just whenever I read something I always saw you in the comments and I read one of your fics but I can't remember which and I liked it so I figured meh, similar tastes in fics and a gun writer deserves a watch and favourite