• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2016

The Descendant

Thanks, but please don't send me cash "tips." Instead, support this charity: The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club.

My latest fever-dreams...

Hey! Hey! Hey!

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Ngl, reading a story just isn't the same without the author's presence in some "recent" capacity. I get an isolated feeling in the back of my mind, and the vibes are just off. Can anyone else relate?

last seen Jun 20th, 2016

Please take a minute for one of our fallen.

Here's to a classy person who was really close to the community. T.D., you're still being read. I wish we'd known more about where you are and what happened.

He just vanished after June 21st 2016. Nothing in his stories or his blog to indicate a leave. He might have been dead all of these years.

Does anyone know whatever happened to Descendant? Feels crazy to think they've been gone for 8 years now. :ajsleepy:

Nearly has been a decade since I last talked to Descendant. Well, I hope that they're doing well, wherever they may be...

What happened?

Now it's been 7 years since he was last online. Time really does fly fast for us all. Wish he could return to this place. :ajsleepy:

https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

Hey The Descendant,

Just dropping by again to say thank you for first greeting me on Fimfiction.

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I Don't Always Read the Comics but, When I Do, They Feature Twilight and Spike · 2:43pm Mar 24th, 2016

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

First, let me start off by saying how much I've appreciated the support and compassion of so many people during my long, long recovery. I'm most grateful, and it has been a bright spot for me as my long weeks of isolation here in my home have slowly gone by.

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