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This account is officially closed. · 12:37am Aug 5th, 2017

Ultimately, I have decided to leave up my two most popular stories:
Intoxication, which got an extreme boost in views after being part of a popular reading series.
A Familiar Shape, A Different Taste, which was easily my most popular work, making it on EqDaily as one of the earliest examples of M/M shipping. I did delete the clop chapter, because I honestly wish I'd never written any of that.

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Report doctor dapples · 396 views ·
Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35

I imagine it's long past. Ah well.

Yo whats up? How's life? I've been re-reading some of your fics :P. Heyday of bronies isn't here anymore :c

2108828 They added a character tag for Stephen Magnet.

I've heard that before. I was definitely one of the first M/M fics featured on Equestria Daily.

I mean the first on this site anyways...

  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35
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