• Member Since 18th Aug, 2011
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Rex Ivan

Fun with rusty metal.


New Generation, AKA how to get old fans invested in new works · 8:39pm Sep 30th, 2021

Been a while, I know, but I want to talk about the "MLP A New Generation" movie. I saw it on Netflix, and I liked it.

I'm not a big fan of 3D animation, since 2D can have so much more variety and creativity in style and tone. Meanwhile, 3D tends to all just look like generic Pixar/Disney/Dreamworks sameness, but with this movie, I found myself looking past the animation style for a large majority of the runtime.

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Thank you. It's always appreciated to know when something you've done has affected someone else. I hope it was in a positive way. :rainbowkiss:

I just want to say, your work inspired me!!!

Thank you for the watch, I hope you have an awesome day!

Hi, Rex! Thanks for the Fave of my story The Talk. I'm glad that you could enjoy one of my older pieces.:twilightsmile:

1425706 I could not have asked for more dedicated members of the units I served with than the Corpsmen. You guys will walk through a wall of fire to save a downed Marine, and for that, I am the one who needs to thank you. :twilightsmile:

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