• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I'm the creator of Otakuworld.com, Jenniverse.com, the computer game Boppin', numerous online comics, novels, and tons of other wonderful things. I really love MLP:FiM.


I am a human-shaped unicorn, and I write stories and draw pictures. My only religion is Friendship, and my only politics is Kindness. I write stories to try to comprehend the native simians that live on the planet I'm kind of stuck on. I know I'll never figure them out, but it's fun to try.


"If you know your characters, and you know your world, then you need not fear even a thousand pages of text."

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time to explore?

I guess you're unfamiliar with the concept of gay Thursday in the middle east:ajsmug:

This is ... strange take. You are writer with good imagination, try to imagine what ppl in bombed for 25 years at least Sector should feel when they learn that ppl bombing them all this time support some weird mode of sexual/gender expression they never had time to explore?

This will give quite a misservice to LGBTQA+ , both as movement and individuals. We apes are weird and our 'free' associations are even weirder ....



War is always wrong. That said, one thing makes me choose a side between two religious societies I otherwise equally despise - for I always despise religion, especially as a basis for a nation - and that is relative liberality.

Israel, despite its many flaws, is socially advanced enough that Queerness is tolerated. You can be LGBTQ+ in Israel and live a decent life. You will not be torture-murdered, you will not be 'honor-killed', you will not be beaten to death. Not legally, anyway.

In Palestine, under Palestinian law, in Gaza, you cannot enjoy the fact of such 'being alive' in public. That would be offensive. You are under the threat of a 13th century religious evil that can, and will, end in your suffering.

Between the two, therefore, I say fuck Palestine.


When the tyrants of Tehran - who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, - are praising, promoting, and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.

But isn't this fundamental problem for "weaker side" in realpolitic? The do not have luxuary of choosing, they just have BadGuy1 and BadGuy2 who may for their internal reason oppose BudGay3, who currently beats them most ...

IIRC more peaceful protest by Palestinians were machinegunned down from Israel side. So ... not much of peace option here, too.

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Final status of broken wrist, and thoughts on color · 11:52pm May 30th

My wrist is solid. The latest X-ray reveals that my bone has grown entirely together, and the density is surprisingly high - in short, it is healed. This is slightly surprising in that the statistics for women my age (64) would suggest another 8 months to get the kind of bone density I currently have in the healed section where the bone was missing. I healed at a rate equivalent to a 20-30 year old. My best guess is that this is due to my lifestyle: I don't drink or smoke, I take supplements -

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