Artificial Intelligence Group 47 members · 48 stories


>Loading pre-recorded messages...
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>Beginning playback: #1FWarm_Welcome

“Greetings! And welcome, to the Artificial Intelligence group.

“This group is specifically dedicated to Main Protagonist being an Artificial Intelligence (AI).”

“In our Stories section you can find Main protagonist as a Robot, Program, AI turned into pony or pony turned into AI.

“Feel free to discuss in our Forum section suggestions to new stories, general discussion or propose new ideas how this site could be further improved.

“Now, we will explain this site's rules and keep in mind that violating any of them will cause your termination as a member of this group. So please, take your time with reading our rules to evade any future misunderstandings.”

>Loading #Site_Rules file

  1. Hostility towards other users is not tolerated
  2. Posting threads non-related* to this group is not tolerated
  3. Posting offensive** threads is not tolerated
  4. Follow all FimFiction's rules
    More rules may come later

(*”Today I had a big juicy sausage and it was delicious!”
**”And that sausage was much bigger than yours!”)

'Because Friendship is Optimal'

  1. Fictions with rating above 60%, are accepted
  2. Complete fictions are accepted
  3. Incomplete/On Hiatus fictions with word rate above 40k, are accepted
  4. Cancelled fictions with word rate above 40k, are accepted
  5. Fictions with rating below 60% are refused
  6. Incomplete/On Hiatus fictions with word rate below 40k, are refused - with exceptions
  7. Cancelled fictions with word rate below 40k, are refused
    More rules may come later

'Because Failure is Illogical'

  1. Do not post stories which only have AI in them, but isn't about them* - with exceptions
  2. Sort suggested stories correctly into appropriate folders
  3. If the suggested story match the tags of two or more folders, please pick only one
  4. This group is NOT for Cyberponies. Post your 'wanna be robots' elsewhere
    More rules may come later
    (*Are you not sure if your story's AI is the main character? Then ask yourself this question:
    Is the AI character main focus of the story?
    If yes, then you have your answer)

‘Because Efficiency is Magic'

“If your experiences with this group are more than pleasurable, be sure to visit our other groups, purely focused at another kinds of main characters!”

“We hope we didn't hold too much of your precious time, but since now we are done here, you can go!”

“Be sure to give us a feedback, find yourself a story and remember:”

Friendship is Optimal

Failure is Illogical

Efficiency is Magic

>End of playback
>Waiting for imput

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