Happy Twenty-Foursday! (24'sday Wednesday) 4/24/24! · 11:58pm Apr 24th, 2024
This is an even nicer sounding date than 4/4/24! :)
Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.
This is an even nicer sounding date than 4/4/24! :)
Hey, guys! I was wondering if I could have editor/s for all of my stories, and collaborators for a couple of new ones I'm making! :) I would like to get a few of them featured, and I want to read them on Youtube like I was supposed to last month. I would like them to be almost perfect! XD
There is now no deadline! If you do want to help, please PM me so I can unlock my Google Doc links for you! ;D
Accounts and Links (In order of Usage; ones at the bottom mean it will likely take months for any communication if I DO log on to those sites; though there may be a delay in message/comment responses even in sites I use more often such as THIS site. Please be aware that I am not ignoring you if I do not answer or if I am inactive. I just have a lot of schoolwork and MANY messages/comments, or don't know I didn't know/realize that communication was sent. I still love you all! ):
My art gallery on this Fimfic page no longer works, so please click the link above or go HERE.
Google Plus is dying (really, it's actually being deleted;) but see my posts anyway: I DON'T recommend following due to its deletion, though.
This list will be updated with more websites someday in 2019; I'm a part of a lot them! XD
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Welcome back! This is a surprise
Hey, she's back! She's no longer banned!
This is really depressing. 8 years on the site, only to get hacked and then banned and not return afterwards.
I don't think so, no.