• Member Since 14th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


"The greatest stories are not written, but lived."

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  • 1 week

    ... Wow. That's... quite a number.

    I remember the day I first joined this little corner of the Internet. Admittedly, I wasn't in the best shape both mentally and emotionally, and... troubled times didn't really make it any better. But ironically, the years that followed were the most defining moments of my life, brought about by both pony-related matters and personal obstacles. Obstacles that shaped me into who I am today, as a person.

    For better or for worse.

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    4 comments · 68 views
  • 5 weeks
    Cherish your fathers.

    It's that day of the year again. I'll try my best to keep this lighthearted. Though, it'll be a bittersweet post for the most part.

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    3 comments · 95 views
  • 29 weeks

    ... I'm a bit late.:twilightblush:

    I've been fairly inactive when it comes to posting stories lately, mostly because I've been spending the Holidays with friends and family. I hope you've all been well!:heart:

    I've gotten a few requests for some stories, which I will be working on at some point in the future. I still have some other stories cooking in my unpublished list, and I aim to get those done first.

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    3 comments · 166 views
  • 36 weeks
    New story uploaded! (+ Plans for future stories)

    I recently uploaded a sequel to Midnight Comfort, one of my most cherished stories... It would mean a lot to me if you all would give it a read!

    Yes, I know I just recently uploaded a new chapter to my other story, Improbable, which is why I'd like to take this opportunity to explain how things might work out moving forward:

    • I will continue to focus on uploading short stories featuring one character from either G4 or G5. Suggestions would be much appreciated!

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    2 comments · 197 views
  • 36 weeks
    New chapter is out!

    I have recently uploaded a new chapter for Improbable.

    Sorry for the long wait. Life happened.

    Toodles! :twilightsmile:

    0 comments · 145 views

300. · 10:33am July 18th

... Wow. That's... quite a number.

I remember the day I first joined this little corner of the Internet. Admittedly, I wasn't in the best shape both mentally and emotionally, and... troubled times didn't really make it any better. But ironically, the years that followed were the most defining moments of my life, brought about by both pony-related matters and personal obstacles. Obstacles that shaped me into who I am today, as a person.

For better or for worse.

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Comments ( 176 )
  • Viewing 172 - 176 of 176

Awww thanks! I adore her. :3

Wow, genocide, huh?:pinkiegasp: Never could bring myself to complete one (let alone on classic Undertale). I'm a pacifist through and through. ^^

Nice Ceroba ava! I'm on the genocide rn.

You're welcome, dude! Personal reason, but I just know we'll get along. :twilightsmile:

:pinkiehappy:Thanks for the Follow!

  • Viewing 172 - 176 of 176
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